Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bummin it

I need to put up some vacation pictures I know. It's been an exciting month though. Right after vacation we spent a few days packing boxes, came home for a family reunion/ 80th birthday celebration for John Paul's Grandparents. His family was in town until after Memorial day. We've been staying at his parents house, and spending time with everyone. The last of the fam left Friday. I've been keeping busy visiting, cleaning my old room (weird!), and helping out around the in-law's house.

I finally got in contact with a realtor, and we are planning to go down and find a house in a week or 2. All our stuff is in dad's trailer in Ganny's garage, just waiting to make the move! It'll be awhile. We are planning the last weekend in June, which means my birthday will be spent with a buncha boxes, but it will also bring promise of adventure and hopefully a time of settling. We've been knowing we'd move for a long time. I'm looking forward to a time to just be!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

He did it!!


He graduated! His family came up and we had a great weekend hanging out and eating!

Tomorrow we leave for vacation, then moving! Time is just moving so fast!