Monday, June 14, 2010

My Kidneys

So, last week I had surgery to have my big honkin stone broken up. That was Tuesday. I asked, and they said I could go back to work after the anesthesia fully wore off, which was 24 hours. So, next day I was still in just as much pain as before, got meds, took them and was ok. I just laid around the house. I didn't have to take the meds unless I was being pretty active, getting out or something.

So, I went back to work today. I almost died. I had been taking the pain meds right when the pain started to escalate, but I couldn't at work since I'd have to drive home. Needless to say, I'm very interested in what the doctor will have to say at the 1 week follow-up. Last year when I had the same procedure I didn't hurt this long or this bad. *deep breaths* one day at time I guess.

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