Saturday, March 7, 2009

a little funny

So, pain medications make you sleepy and nauseous if you don't have anything in your tummy. I was sleeping and my alarm went off to take the next pill. So, not thinking that I hadn't eaten anything took the pill, rolled over and went back to sleep. About an hour later, I woke up feeling nauseous. I went to the kitchen to make toast. The bread is stale so it has to be made into toast lol.

So, the funny part. Ding goes the toaster. I grab the toast and immediately take a bite and burn my tongue on the crust.

Moral: eat the toast before you feel sick, so you don't burn your tounge lol!

I'm feeling ok. The pain is under control with said meds, but if I'm even 30 min late taking it, I'm in a world of hurt. So, it's a waiting game until the thing moves on out. What fun!

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