Monday, January 4, 2010

Home again....

We had a a great week (sortof) celebrating Christmas!

It started out a little rough with braving a snowstorm, closed roads, and all sorts of winter hindrances to our trip home. Christmas day it took 9 hours to get from South of Ft. Worth to Chickasha. Putting that into perspective it took 8ish hours to get from Chickasha to HOUSTON yesterday.

Exhausted from our trip, we spent time with family opening packages before crashing and burning. Christmas with my family was good, it just seemed to happen with one person at a time. A friend said we were having a Christmas to remember, but it was so sad that it was not family oriented like it used to.

We went skiing for a week with John Paul's family. It was so fun. I ended up only skiing 2 out of 5 days, but really enjoyed the trip. I skied a lot better than last year, and look forward to going next year.

We made it back to Chickasha, minus my bag which was lost at the airport, did a little more Christmas, and slept, just to wake up and head out. It was so hard only being in town for about 36 hours. Mom and dad drove me home from the airport just to spend an hour with me. They were awesome and took me to Braums, because I'd been 6 months without a Braum's Milkshake. Too long, if you were wondering.

We drove the whole way home yesterday, and when we arrived at our house in Houston. When I opened the door I just wanted to cry. It was big, cold and empty. There wasn't a warm hug or hello, and it just felt so empty. We both are a little sad to be back at "home" I hope this gets easier.

1 comment:

Ganny said...

glad you made it home. Did you work today? Christmas was different. .but that is what happens when spouses always have priority.