So I've been really up and down emotionally lately. The staying at home ALONE all day is getting to me, the applying for a zillion jobs and never hearing anything, or discovering they are a scam is getting to me and did I mention I'm lonely?
I've been making decisions to change that. I contacted the community life pastor at the Nazarene church near our home, and am going to get involved with a woman's group and participate in a class for people new to their church. I'm pretty pumped about that.
I went to the extension office and talked to a 4-H educator about volunteering so tonight I'm going to go to a county wide event and see where I fit in helping, and I've volunteered to help judge at the county fair next month. Something I'm ok at and have experience with!
I'm going to the Bally's nearby and do a gym tour. There's so many things I could say about that but I'm not. They do have an indoor pool there so that's neat. I'm bummed our neighborhood pool is closed for the season now.
The major up yesterday was I got an e-mail, written by a person, about a job I was really excited about. A place (maybe a monastery) dedicated to prayer needed an office assistant, so I eagerly applied. I felt like my unique background might help me with that. I got an e-mail back asking if I knew it was a part time job. MWF all day. I think it's perfect, I could still keep the house in order ect. So I e-mailed that I was still interested. Holding my breath on that.
Haven't heard from the caterer office job yet, and the other job I'm excited about is a luxury car dealership receptionist. All of those are things I'm pretty interested/ have some experience with. Who knows.
The best up was this morning. I'm waiting on the final confirmation, but ITT Tech sent me an e-mail to schedule an interview tommorow! It's kinda far from my house, but having an interview boosted my spirits.
I'm really hoping to find a friend soon. Susan is going to go back out to the ocean (she's a marine biologist) and she's the only girl I see regularly around here. That's been the hardest thing about moving. I'm really missing my friends, really really.